Commitment to Your Privacy at MoveOn

Securing Our Customers' Trust

At MoveOn, we understand the importance of your privacy. We are dedicated to handling every piece of personal information you share with us with the utmost care and respect, especially for our younger customers under the age of 18. We strictly avoid collecting data from minors without parental consent and promptly eliminate any such data accidentally gathered. Our team and third-party providers are instructed to handle personal information only as necessary for delivering our services, conditional upon obtaining explicit consent from the information's owner.

Upholding your privacy is a key aspect of our commitment to delivering outstanding service and support. We refrain from developing data-processing operations for commercial uses unless specifically requested. Upon soliciting personal information, comprehensive details regarding the use and processing reasons are provided. Where consent is a prerequisite, your acknowledgment of our privacy safeguards is greatly valued.

Information Management and Protection

We treat the personal information you entrust to us with the highest level of security. MoveOn stores this data only as long as it serves the purpose of providing you with our quality services or as long as required by law. The criteria for our retention periods include data sensitivity, the risk of misuse, and the possibility of fulfilling those purposes through other means, all the while prioritizing your privacy. Our security measures encompass:

  • Safe storage of data on our secure servers.
  • Advanced encryption methods for data in transition.
  • Comprehensive internal policies and control access measures.
  • Regular security awareness training for all staff.
  • Constant enhancement of our security technologies.

Beyond safeguarding your data, we emphasize transparency concerning its collection and use, ensuring you stay well-informed about our data practices. By providing your personal details, you expressly authorize us to collect, store, and utilize your data to render superior services.

Maintaining Global Privacy Standards

As MoveOn serves a global clientele, your personal information may be processed outside your home country. Nonetheless, we guarantee the same level of data protection regardless of where it's processed. This includes abiding by effective security protocols and making sure that international data processing aligns with our rigorous privacy policy standards. MoveOn complies with global privacy regulations, such as the GDPR, and keeps up to date with laws and regulations affecting data protection.

We also ensure that our external partners and contractors uphold similar privacy standards, treating your information with respect and dignity. In doing so, your personal data receives consistent protection, regardless of the processing location.

Updating Our Privacy Initiatives

As privacy regulations evolve, so do our practices. MoveOn regularly refreshes this privacy policy to account for new legal requirements and operational enhancements. These changes are prominently announced on our website, keeping you informed. By continuing to use our services, you agree to these updates. We pledge to provide clear and accurate updates to our privacy policy, ensuring you stay in the loop about how we protect your personal data.

Open Dialogue

We encourage any questions or requests for more information about our privacy measures. At MoveOn, clear communication is paramount to service confidence. Our team is readily available to address any queries:

Email: [email protected]

Collaboration with Third Parties

There are instances when we share your data with third-party providers who assist in delivering the MoveOn experience. Such partners are held to our high privacy standards, given just what's necessary to perform their tasks. We eschew selling or leasing your personal data. Our commitment ensures that your personal data remains safeguarded and confidential while in collaboration with trusted third-parties, who are bound by stringent agreements to adhere to our privacy policies and handle your data with the utmost care.

Assuring Data Integrity and Security

To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have established strong security measures to protect your personal information. Our proactive stance includes ongoing security evaluations and system updates, featuring:

  • Continual security surveillance.
  • Leading-edge cybersecurity defense.
  • Rapid response to any identified threats.

Your Rights, Our Duty

MoveOn respects your rights regarding your personal information, including access, correction, deletion, or restriction of processing, as applicable. We are available to help you exercise these rights and ensure their respectfulness. For any concerns about your data rights, please reach out to us.